Azure App Service – Deep Dive

  • Introduction to App Service
  • App Service Plans
  • Non-Isolated App Service Plan
  • Isolated App Service Plan (ASE)
  • Creating a Web App with Azure CLI
  • Creating a Web App with Azure PowerShell
  • Custom Domains and SSL certificates
  • Connecting to a Database using Connection Strings
  • App Service Logging
  • Deploying code to App Service Web Apps
  • Scaling Azure App Service – Vertical and Horizontal scaling
  • Scale out – detailed
  • How does scale out work?
  • Designing auto-scaling rules


In this post, we are going to look at the concepts of hosting a Web Application using the managed service provided by Azure.

We are going to cover different concepts related to Azure App Service which include creating, configuring and maintaining.

Introduction to App Service

App Service Plan

Non-Isolated App Service
ASE - Isolated Web Apps

Creating a Web App with Azure CLI

Creating a Web App with PowerShell

Custom Domains and SSL Certificates

Connecting to a Database

App Service Logging

Deploying Code to App Service Web Apps

Scaling Azure App Service - Vertical and Horizontal Scaling

Scale Out

How Does Scale Out Work?

Designing Autoscaling Rules?